All 1st Sea School deliveries are conducted by RYA Commercially endorsed yacht Master Instructors be it Power or Sail.
Please complete all marked by *
The term, Owner or Agent shall apply to any person having the authority to contract the proposed delivery.

Owner/Agent to complete fields marked with *. 1st Sea School Principal to complete remainder.
(Please print & sign the email confirmation you will receive after submitting this form)

About your vessel:

For fuel consumption:

Passage details:

Expenses: (Meals are based on one good meal per day)

Insurance Details:

(Insurance for the delivery is to be covered by the Owners/Agents insurance)

The following Documents must be made available for the passage by the Owner / Agent:

The following documents shall be made available by 1st Sea School for the passage:

Action on:

(Please print & sign the email confirmation you will receive after submitting this form)